Gustavo's Research
Selected Journal Articles
Link to Gustavo's Google Scholar personal page
Tavares, G. M., & Iwai, T. (2024). Worries about leadership: Examining the role of career stage, gender, and personal resources. European Management Review.
Iwai, T., & Tavares, G. M. (2024). When Prosocial Motives Matter Most: The Interactive Effects of Social Value Orientation, Message Framing, and Helping Costs on Helping Behavior. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
Story, J., Iwai, T., & Tavares, G. M. (2024). Positive minds, inclusive minds: PsyCap’s potential in overcoming resistance to DEI initiatives in organizations. Organizational Dynamics.
Lotta, G., Tavares, G. M., & Story, J. (2023). Political Attacks and The Undermining of the Bureaucracy: The Role of Civil Servants’ Well-Being. Governance.
Story, J., Lotta, G., & Tavares, G. M. (2023). (Mis) Led by an Outsider: Abusive Supervision, Disengagement, and Silence in Politicized Bureaucracies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Lagowska, U., Sobral, F., Tavares, G. M. (2022). Joint Effects of Shared and Transformational Leadership on Performance in Street-Level Bureaucracies: Evidence from the Educational Sector. Public Administration Review.
Sobral, F., Tavares, G.M., Furtado, Lagowska, U., L. Neto, J. A. M. (2022) Deceitful When Insecure: The Effect of Self-efficacy Beliefs on the Use of Deception in Negotiations. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
Tavares, G. M., Sobral, F., & Wright, B. E. (2021). Commitment to public values, charismatic leadership attributions, and employee turnover in street-level bureaucracies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Tavares, G. M., Lima, F. V., & Michener, G. (2021). To blow the whistle in Brazil: The impact of gender and public service motivation. Regulation & Governance.
Tavares, G. M., Sobral, F., Goldszmidt, R., & Araújo, F. (2018). Opening the implicit leadership theories’ black box: An experimental approach with conjoint analysis. Frontiers in Psychology.